Now normally I wouldn't write about hickeys but in this case, I think you'll understand. Yesterday, I was holding one of the puppies up close to my neck. It was so sweet, sniffin' around and licking my collar bone. Before I knew it, it started to hurt a little and I couldn't get him off. I had to have my husband get him off because he was trying to nurse and was sucking so hard. Needless to say, I am the proud owner of a hickey on my chest (and it's not from my husband!) Typical Males!!
11 years ago
My oldest son gave my sister one on her neck when he was only weeks old. She wore it proudly.
Hi! I'm a blog friend of your dad's. He's my online writing inspiration and all around swell dude. He directed me over to welcome you to the blog world.
Cute dogs and adorable kids with lotsa dimples.
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